Eternity Loop
Coming back to soil
Alternative design for cemeteries

Project for a Non Architecture Contest

The Eternity Loop is an innovative facility focusing on the idea of decomposing human remains. There are 70 composting capsules in the facility, each of them safely monitored and working according to the rules of preparing a fully-functional nutritious compost. Capsules are separated so that, if the family wishes, they can retrieve the compost once the process ends. If they decide to support the facility’s fruit garden, the product is used to fertilize the trees growing in the facility’s orchard. When distributing the compost in their garden the orchard, the substance once used to feed the human being is restored to the soil. This creates a chance to nourish the growing plants that are later feeding humans, therefore, starting another circle of this eternal loop.

The facility provides a modern attempt in creating a memorial place. The orchard’s wall is a cenotaph with the names of the deceased engraved on the wall. Also, relatives have an opportunity to create an online epitaph. The address of the webpage is attached to the name as a QR code which can be accessed by anyone interested.
Eternity Loop

Eternity Loop

An alternative cemetery for modern era. Focused on the circulation of the matter.
